HUD Preservation Workbook: Successful Stewardship of Multifamily Housing Recapitalization
This workbook assists owners in becoming familiar with the steps involved in developing a strategy for preserving their HUD-insured and/or assisted affordable multifamily rental properties. The workbook is designed to help the owner explore and make decisions about whether and how to preserve the property and develop a preservation plan. It also walks the owner through the steps necessary to determine if the property needs new funding. The workbook is meant to be used in conjunction with the Recapitalization Excel Tool.
Source: US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Recapitalization
Year: 2017
Preserving, Protecting, and Expanding Affordable Housing
This toolkit provides information on housing market trends and research on the links between rising housing costs and poor health outcomes. It identifies strategies across six policy areas to help ensure that households of all incomes have housing options in the areas where they want to live.
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Year: 2016
Get Started on Your Multifamily Affordable Housing Preservation Strategy
This guide provides information on the key steps that property owners must take in order to understand their multifamily affordable rental properties, establish preservation goals, and choose their preservation options.
Source: US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Recapitalization
Year: 2016
Anatomy of a Preservation Deal. Innovations in Preserving Affordable Housing from around the United States
This report brings together six case studies of affordable housing preservation to highlight various strategies for preserving affordable multifamily housing across the US.
Source: Urban Institute
Date: 2016
Preserving Multifamily Workforce and Affordable Housing. New Approaches for Investing in a Vital National Asset
Increasingly, workers such as teachers, firefighters, retail managers, and nurses are unable to find affordable housing in the communities where they work. This comprehensive book describes the problem, includes case studies, and examples of financially feasible for-profit developments and provides a toolkit of public and private programs that are being used to encourage the development of housing for the workforce.
Source: Urban Land Institute and Neighborworks America
Year: 2015
A Guide to Best Practices in Rural Rental Preservation
This guide offers a number of possible best practices for preservation of affordable apartments financed under the Section 515 Rural Rental Housing program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD).
Source: Housing Assistance Council
Year: 2008
Preservation of Affordable Homes Near Transit Toolkit
This toolkit describes how to assess the risk of existing rent-restricted properties at risk of losing their affordability, how to identify priority preservation areas, and explains what policies, procedures and actions cities can use to preserve affordable homes near transit.
Source: California Housing Partnership Corporation
Year: 2015
Nexus: NHC Housing Policy Guide - Rental Preservation
The Nexus: NHC Housing Policy Guide provides basic overviews of key affordable housing policies and programs, in-depth descriptions and profiles of policy at work, all from a practical perspective useful to new and seasoned housing professionals alike. The guide discusses important information about federal, state, and local housing policies and programs and links to the resources and organizations that can help expand your knowledge base.
Source: National Housing Conference
Year: 2017
PrezCat, an online catalog of state and local affordable housing preservation policies launched in early 2014, allows affordable housing preservation developers, housing finance authorities, housing advocates, state and local decision makers and other stakeholder to easily search and query policies, data and programs that are most relevant to their short and long term needs.
Source: National Housing Trust
Year: 2017