2020 - 2029
HUD and USDA programs play an important role in providing affordable homes to extremely low-income families across the country. Many of these federally assisted homes, however, face expiring rent restrictions and are at risk of being lost from the affordable housing stock. 299,303 federally assisted homes face an expiring affordability restriction by 2024 and an additional 147,783 public housing units are in need of immediate investment. Among the federally assisted homes with all subsidies expiring in the next five years, 81% demonstrate a risk factor that can increase the risk of owners opting out of future rental contracts or of significant capital need. While some of these federally assisted homes will be preserved with operating or capital subsidies, more resources are needed to ensure that we can continue to preserve existing affordable properties as well as create new affordable homes. This infographic summarizes the federally assisted homes facing expiring subsidies and describes how newly awarded subsidies are supporting existing preservation efforts.
Updated May 2020