Welcome to the NHPD

The National Housing Preservation Database (NHPD) is the only de-duplicated source of address-level data for nearly 80,000 federally assisted rental properties in the U.S. Founded by the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), the NHPD helps users access vital information to locate, assess, document and preserve affordable housing options for low-income households. The NHPD integrates information from a multitude of federal housing programs and is updated four times per year.

Since its inception in 2012, the NHPD has been used by advocates to make the case to expand affordable housing funding, government agencies and planners to identify properties at risk and target preservation efforts, researchers to understand the affordable housing stock, and legal aid organizations to represent tenants. It has been featured in dozens of major media and research publications, such as USA Today, NY Times, Bloomberg Business, Harvard University, the Urban Institute, New York University, and the University of California Los Angeles.

Explore Our Tools


Access the National Housing Preservation Database to customize your search for affordable housing properties by location, funding stream, or subsidy end date.

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Affordable Housing Preservation Toolkit

This toolkit delivers aggregated data and guidance to help you create local housing preservation plans, drilling down to your neighborhood, city, congressional district, county, and more.


State-Level Preservation Profiles

These one-page profiles offer and an overview of each state's affordable housing inventory, providing key facts about the cost burden, housing shortage, and the number of units at risk of loss in the next five years.


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PAHRC’s research teams also offer tailor-made services to support your preservation efforts, from training to custom reporting and data extracts. Get in touch with us to learn more.