PAHRC and NLIHC have teamed up with data startup mySidewalk to create an at a glance affordable housing preservation toolkit. This toolkit helps local affordable housing advocates and planners understand their affordable housing stock, assess preservation risks in their communities, and equips them with ideas to enhance their local housing preservation efforts.
How it Works
Each toolkit can be customized to your geography of interest, providing locally specific data from the NHPD and examining five opportunities for community partners to consider when creating an affordable housing preservation plan. These opportunities include:
- Assessing local affordable housing stock,
- Recruiting partners to support affordable housing,
- Encouraging property owners with expiring rent restrictions to retain affordability commitments,
- Investing in preserving high quality affordable housing, and
- Adopting policies that promote long-term affordability.
Get Started
Explore our pre-made toolkits here for the 50 states and here for the 50 largest metro areas, or visit mySidewalk's website to request a custom toolkit.