Assessing Vulnerability to Disaster in the Federally Assisted Housing Stock

Broadcast Date: August 25, 2021

Over the past decade, the frequency, intensity, and damage caused by climate disasters has risen. These disasters place a greater burden on low-income households, especially those that depend on federal rent subsidies, who likely do not have the resources to evacuate in the face of danger or rebuild in the aftermath of a loss. Which federally assisted rental units are at risk and what can be done? This webinar will discuss the vulnerability of the federally assisted housing stock to climate disasters and share examples of community-wide disaster mitigation strategies.

Learning Objectives: N/A


  • Kelly McElwain, MPP, Research Analyst III, Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation
  • Noah Patton, Housing Policy Analyst, National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
  • Zoe Middleton, formerly Southeast Texas Director Texas Housers
  • Joshua Galloway, Senior Project Manager, New Ecology

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